The dogs of South Woodham Ferrers
Local pet related services
- Dog walking services in South Woodham Ferrers - 07956 374402
It is impossible to talk about South Woodham Ferrers without mentioning dogs. We have a lot of dogs. The easiest way to make friends in South Woodham is to acquire a dog. Dog owners stop and chat with other dog owners. even if they do not know each other's names, they will recognise each other by the type of dog they have. Some dog walkers are out and about with their dogs early every morning before work and in the evenings after work. There is a certain camaraderie between them, and because they meet regularly, they get to know each other. One of the best ways of making friends in South Woodham is to walk a dog. We are lucky to have the fens, nature reserve and riverside paths where dogs can be walked all year round.
One of the most frequent complaints in South Woodham Ferrers is dog mess on the pavement. Admittedly there are lots of dog owners in the town and most are responsible and do pick up after their dogs. There are plenty of dog bins at strategic point around the town so there should be no excuse. The most disgusting habit is of hanging plastic bags of dog poo on the branches of shrubs and trees like a revolting tree ornament.
Occasionally, a dog escapes from a garden and takes himself for a walk independently. Residents are very good at spotting lone dogs and report sightings on the town Facebook pages which very quickly result in a happy reunion of the dog and its owner.
It is not uncommon to see dogs being put through their paces at the dog training classes on the village hall green during a Saturday lunchtime.
All of the green areas around South Woodham and along the river are good for walks with a dog. The gravel path along the riverbank rarely becomes too muddy, even in very wet weather.
Adder Alert
Dogs have been bitten by adders on the fen, sometimes fatally. The snakes may be in the long grass but it is best to watch out for them as they wake up after the winter. Keep dogs on a lead.
Pet-friendly holiday homes for dog owners
The following pages are useful for any South Woodham dog owners who like to book pet-friendly self-catering holiday cottages that they can take their dogs to. Some of them will accept guests with 3 or more dogs to stay.