Slimming Groups in South Woodham Ferrers

Slimming Group in South Woodham Ferrers
The attraction of slimming classes usually raises its head immediately after Christmas when people know and feel that they have eaten and drunk far too much over the Christmas season. Some individuals have the self-discipline to cut down on their food intake and lose weight, for others it can be a struggle.

Slimming classes can be useful if the support of others and public acknowledgement of your weekly achievements helps.

Slimming World in South Woodham Ferrers

A certain slimming group in South Woodham Ferrers hands out attainment certificates and publishes winners in the local Facebook group and Focus magazine.  This is part of the larger Slimming World organisation and they have a selection of Facebook pages that people can join to post meal suggestions, vegetarian meals and generally encourage each other.

Weigh-ins are held in St. Joseph's Primary School,  Champion’s Manor Hall and Trinity St. Mary Primary School.  Members are also welcome to keep a personal achievement diary or blog. Call Georgina on 07736 303 012

Any weight loss programme is helped along by exercise classes

We have a good variety of classes of all kinds to choose from in South Woodham Ferrers:


  • At the leisure centre where they also have a gym
  • At Club Woodham private gym

Privately run classes held in the halls of Champions Manor, the Village Hall, the primary schools. There is a wide variety of dance and fitness classes available:

  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Zumba
  • Jazzercise
  • Music and Movement

Please contact us if you would like to add your group or exercise class to this list