About this South Woodham Ferrers website

This website about South Woodham Ferrers is written by a long-time resident.

You can contribute if you wish

This is essentially a personal view of the town and a contact list of people and services within the town. Please feel free to send me articles and photographs to add.

I would like to include a page about  'South Woodham Characters we have loved’. Many of us have had friends who have passed on and it might be nice to remember them by publishing photographs and small anecdotes.  I am also interested in animals, wild flowers and wild life. I would be happy to hear about your dog, interesting Woodham experiences, events and community interests.

With a fairly sizable population, much happens in the town. I can only have a personal limited view. Suggestions, photographs and articles are very welcome from residents who would like to add another view, or information about anything that happens in South Woodham.

Tell me when things change in South Woodham

I would be grateful if people also alert me to out-of-date information because life changes constantly, new organisations come, old ones go…

near Club Woodham


Adverts and articles are welcome from South Woodham organisations and individuals about the services that they offer. Please contact in the first instance with details of your advert and I will send you rates and more information. Attractive one-of fees for a permanent advert for small business owners, free for charities. Prices from £25 + VAT

Each advert will consist of a page or part of a page in a particular category, for example hairdressing, barbers etc.